Leroy Chiao was on-board Space Shuttle STS-65 Columbia (July8-July 23, 1994) which was launched from and landed back at Kennedy Space Center in Florida, which set a new flight duration record.
Leroy also flew on-board Space Shuttle STS-72 Endeavor (January 11-January 20, 1996) which flew a nine day mission to retrieve the Space Flyer Unit launched from Japan ten months earlier. Chiao executed two spacewalks designed to experiment procedures for the assembly of the International Space Station.
Next Leroy Chiao, flew on Space Shuttle STS-92 Discovery (October 11-October 24, 2000) which launched from Kennedy Space Center in Florida and landed at Edwards Air Force Base in California.
Leroy Chiao was the Commander of Expedition 10 on the International Space Station (ISS) which launched October 9, 2004 and returned April 24, 2005. The Following NASA Photo set is from International Space Station Expedition 10: